Monday, March 05, 2007

Have you ever thought about how to end homelessness? Either what you, personally, can do, or what we, as a great Minnesotan society, can accomplish?

We sure have. Especially if you live in the Cities, homelessness is hard to ignore (though many of us try). At freeway exits and busy intersections, on downtown streets, even in the alleys behind our houses, the separate world of people experiencing homelessness touches ours all the time. Though, really, it's not a separate world at all. We are just as connected to people experiencing homlessness in our community are we are to our next-door neighbors. The difference is, our next-door neighbors probably don't need our help quite as badly.

As with most complex issues in our complex society, an organized effort is needed so that concerned individuals can work together to make a difference. That's why tomorrow, March 6th (a Tuesday) at 7 pm we'll be hosting a Hands On Twin Cities Volunteer Cafe at the Loring Park Dunn Bros. in Minneapolis. We'll have representatives from the following 4 local organizations that deal with homelessness, Loaves & Fishes, Our Saviour's Housing, Lutheran Social Services, and The Link, to tell you about what they do and how you can help.

This event is free, and open to the public (of course). The first half-hour or so will feature speakers from the above organizations, followed by an open discussion. Come meet the Hands On Twin Cities staff and community-minded people like yourself, drink some delicious coffee (which, sadly, you will have to pay for), and learn how you can be a part of the solution to homelessness.


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