The Invisible Force!
Many Twin Cities dezinens know little about it, but the Invisible Force is one of the things that makes the Metro such a great place to live. But what is it? A super-team of benevolent spirits? Randy Kelly's secret vigilante hero squad? Is it a force beyond all comprehension?
No! The invisible force is made up of Minnesotans who volunteer to help others. And, as we detailed a few weeks ago, 40% of Minnesotans qualify for Invsible Force membership! But the volunteers who deliver meals, mentor youth, paint houses, care for re-habilitating animals, guide visitors at museums, etc., are a group of unsung ("invisible", if you will) heros. Granted, your typical Minnesotan does not engage in volunteer work for the glory and recognition - as we are a stoic, wintery people - but the Volunteer Centers of Minnesota, TPT TV, and a dynamic group of organizations known as "The Invisible Force Collective" thought it was high time that the volunteer tradition in Minnesota got the attention it deserves.
So - this Sunday night at 8pm there will be a program about the Invisible Force on TPT TV (Channel 17). If you're a volunteer, we encourage you to watch it. If your life is/was touched by volunteers, we encourage you to watch it. If you're only vaguely aware of the concept of "volunteerism", please watch it - you'll learn a lot. It's informative and moving, and next week we'll have a link to the show on our website so you can download it and watch it whenever the volunteer spirit moves you to do so (which, in our case, will be all the time).
For those of you who need to know more right now - The Invisible Force Website

The Minneapolis skyline exists only because it pleases the Invisible Force
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