One-half of this blog is something of a tea affectionado (or addict, depending on who you ask), and was tickled to death when he saw this volunteer opportunity.
That's right! High Tea Host/Hostess! Plan the menu, research the procedures and protocol of High Tea, and then be the host/hostess to Lake Owasso residents (your gracious guests). We presume that they are referring to the British-style High Tea made extremely popular in the Victorian era, but you could get really creative with this one. Tea ceremonies have a rich and varied history - China, Japan, India, and many other countries had long-established tea ceremony traditions long before the Western World had even heard of tea. The possibilities are endless!
This sounds like a lot of fun to us, but again, we really love tea. Almost as much as we love volunteerism.
Kudos to the Lake Owasso Residence for posting a totally unique volunteer opportunity. Contact them today!

The Boston Tea Terrier is a stickler for protocol.